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Poisons: Sress, Denial & Hate

Posted on 2009-01-26 at 6:26 p.m..

A message on the importance of keeping stress down and relaxing from Dr. Mark Hyman:

Thoughts are things. They can heal or harm. Beliefs mold your brain.

This is not just a figurative metaphor for what happens. Your brain literally stiffens, slows, and loses function in direct relationship to your thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes about you and your place in the world.

How each of us responds to our life -- to our perceptions -- has enormous implications for how we feel, how we age, and the health of our brain.

The most powerful pharmacy in the world is right between your ears!

Other than eating breakfast regularly, and eating more fruits and vegetables, the one characteristic that is present in all healthy older people is resiliency.

Resiliency is that hard-to-measure quality of adapting to change, shifting with changing tides rather than drowning, seeing the glass half full, or knowing how to turn lemons into lemonade.

You see, your thoughts have real and measurable effects on your body and brain.

In fact, every cell in your body listens to your thoughts.

Your immune cells know your deepest feelings.

Your stem cells are wired to your brain and help you repair and regenerate. But they ONLY turn on and make new brain cells when you relax! And you don't need placental injections or embryos to get them to work.

Research has shown over and over again that learning to relax is one of the most important
keys to long-term health and vitality. In fact, it is a critical part of The UltraMind solution.

As you will learn in today's blog, relaxing helps your brain regenerate and renew itself.

You need to learn how to hit your "pause button" if you want to heal your brain.

But that doesn't mean sipping a glass of Chardonnay while watching TV or practicing retail therapy. You have to learn how to deeply relax and stimulate your vagus nerve.

A Calm Mind by Dr. Mark Hyman.

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