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My Secret

Posted on 2009-08-25 at 1:44 a.m..

My only secret is not eating poison. I also don't eat pastas, breads, white rice, and I keep dairy and meat to a minimum. Lots of vegetables, lots of fruits. In time, I plan to make a counter-part site to Real Poison called Real Food which will be all about what TO eat since Real Poison is all about what NOT to eat.

If you eat nothing but vegetables, fruits and nuts, your body literally can't create fat, and all the healthy nutrients you consume will turn on all the right genes to burn fat. Try eating nothing but those three things for one week, and you'll notice a difference right away. That's how I started out, just one week of fruits, vegetables and nuts. In time, you can begin to add things back in, in moderation, but a lot of foods actually damage your digestive system causing an insane amount of issues (which I had previous to changing my diet). So until your system heals (takes about three months of eating well - which means mostly vegetables and no toxins), certain foods that can be healthy, aren't.

For example, whole grain bread, and milk and cheese shouldn't be a problem. But for most people, they are, because their balance is so out of whack that the body can't break these items down properly. It's the main cause of lactose intolerance, even though this is not recognized by the FDA / modern American medicine / etc.

I've got good news for you. Losing weight is pretty easy. It's a matter of what you eat; period. Most people will tell you otherwise. Even doctors will tell you otherwise. However, I know from personal experience, research, friends, family and from foreign sources as well, that your weight comes from what you eat.

If you were to eat nothing but vegetables, fruits and nuts, you'd shed all your extra weight so fast that one day you'd look in the mirror and say "wow! when did I get so thin!" That's what happened to me. It was so quick, that I didn't even know it had happened at first. People kept looking at me, and remarking how thin I was, or how much taller I looked, and so one day I stripped down in front of the mirror and looked at myself. I was especially shocked when I turned to the side. I hadn't even realized before hand how much weight I had had to lose.

Two difficult things: Getting your skin to stick tightly to your body after losing weight (especially if you've lost more than thirty pounds), and building muscle.

Losing the weight for me was easy, because all I had to do was think about how disgusting "food" was (and began referring to non-health-promoting-foods as poisons) and I didn't want to eat them anymore. Whenever I thought about some buttered noodles, or bread, all I had to do was think about stomach aches, being tired, being overweight, and suddenly an apple sounded so much, much more filling and delightful.

I lost the weight without exercising, so I've still been very jiggly and somewhat saggy on my upper arms and rear end. I might not be able to help my rear much, since it seems almost all girls who are not black have a fairly droopy ass. But the arms I knew I could change, so about a month ago I finally decided that yoga wasn't enough, and added in lifting five pound weights. It sounds like a small amount, but after just thirty seconds or so of lifting them over my head, or pulling them up to my arm pits I begin to sweat.

(Sweating, by the way, is a sign of being healthy. Some people will mention casually 'oh I don't sweat' and I was one of those people. However, this is a sign of having a heavy amount of toxins in your body which is more and more common for just about anyone.)

I've progressed from being able to lift them for thirty seconds to being able to hold them straight out from my body for several seconds and being able to do cardiovascular work-outs with them for five minutes at a time. I do these five-minute spurts several times a day every day, and I'm feeling and noticing the difference in my arms. But that's only my arms. Imagine if I were working on my entire body how long it would take, and how much work it would be, since I am already taking yoga, already eat better than anyone I know, and already am lifting arm weights.

So, take heart! Losing the weight is the easy step! (That might actually sound discouraging, but it shouldn't. Losing weight naturally - by eating differently - also causes better sleeping, increased energy, better skin, etc.) And guess what - I'm not suggesting you bother visiting the gym. Do something - anything - that makes you sweat, and once you've gotten good and sweaty, feel free to stop and go take a shower. If you do that a few times a week, call it an accomplishment (because it is an accomplishment.)

Just as a side bonus, when you get all sweaty and then take a shower immediately while the sweat is still fresh, you deep clean your pores leaving your skin extra smooth. And, guess what, I'm not perfect, I rarely do that myself, even though I know if I did it every day my skin would be incredible.

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